Compare different housing
Housing Comparison 2025
The following excel has all housing areas and useful information when deciding housing preferences.
The excel includes prices, distance to the city centre, the size of the room/apartment etc.
Download the following excel document to compare different housing areas:
Note that these rents reflect preliminary rents from January 2025
Maps of Lund
Please note that the maps below are not fully up to date, as they do not include our most recently added housing area (Måsvägen), and also includes a former housing area, now no longer in use (Margaretavägen).
Please see the PDF below for a map of Lund with the student accommodation marked out:
Our student housing areas in Lund (PDF, 15MB, new tab).
Or visit google maps to see the housing areas including some of the faculties and university buildings throughout the city:

Contact details
Student Accommodation
Address: Professorsgatan 1B, Lund
luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (luacc[at]service[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone hours
+46 46 222 08 00
Our phone hours are:
Mon-Fri: 09:00 to 11:00 (AM, CET/CEST)
For disturbances outside of office hours, call the same number and press 1 to get connected to our on-call security firm.