Pay your rent
Below you will find information regarding how the rental payments work if you stay with LU Accommodation.
- The rent is to be paid in advance on or before the last day of each month.
- The vast majority of our rooms have 12-months rent, which means that rent is charged for all months that you have a housing contract with us, including the summer months.
- When you rent a room through LU Accommodation the cost varies depending on location, standard and size, as well as other factors. You pay your rent online by logging on to your housing account. Please note that the prices stated on our webpage are approximate, and may vary within an area and are subject to change.
Where do I pay my rent?
You pay your rent online by logging in to your housing account.
If this does not work, or you do not have a card where you can make online payments, you can come to the reception, (see Paying in the reception below) to pay the rent (card only).
What do I need to pay?
It is important that you have access to a Visa card or MasterCard that allows you to make online payments. Please make sure that:
- Your card has the functionality to make online payments.
- Your card has no security limits or restrictions (including geographical restrictions) that will stop you from paying your rent online.
- Your card is valid throughout your stay in Lund.
- You have the 3-D Secure/ Verified by Visa in place and can receive security codes to you cell-phone after your arrival to Lund.
- Please note that a Maestro card is not designed to be used to make payments in our online payment system.
If you are uncertain about any of the above please contact your bank to make sure you can pay your rent online throughout your stay in Lund!
Problems with paying?
If you have problems paying we refer to our frequently asked questions.
Paying in the reception
You can pay in the reception only if you do not have a card which is activated for online payments and it is not in your power to change this. You can only pay by card at our reception.
Contact details
Student Accommodation
Address: Tunavägen 20, Lund
luacc [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (luacc[at]service[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone hours
046-222 08 00
Our phone hours are:
Mon-Fri: 09:00 to 11:00 (AM, CEST)
For disturbances outside of office hours, call the same number and press 1 to get connected to our on-call security firm.